Saturday, May 3, 2014


Brocante is possibly the coolest place I've ever been. Its a vintage market in St. Pete that is in an old piano factory. Sometimes you go to vintage places and they have a lot of really nice things but its so overprices or you go to a vintage place and they have really junky things for cheap. Well this place is full of the best vintage bits and bobs I've seen and at decent prices. Seriously I wanted everything! They had things I've never seen before like an old carousel horse, moulds of gloves, a cow skull painted gold, and a pineapple couch. It was like walking into the vintage section of etsy. I went in with $40 and came out spending $42 so I'm pretty proud of myself for that because I had to really hold back. The only downside is this place is only open the first weekend of every month. Im definitely going back next month for an old fan I had my eye on. Also their instagram followed me! They only follow 60 people but have almost 500 followers. Ive never had a company follow me and comment on my pictures so thats cool.

What I bought:
Typewriter- $18
Camera- $10

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